Columbia University in the City of New York

Regional Studies

Harriman Courses

Course Listings

The list below provides an overview of our course offerings to help students make decisions and plans for the upcoming semester. Please note that this schedule may be subject to change, and students are encouraged not only to revisit this page but also to confirm the course listings in the online Directory of Courses and Vergil, where course descriptions and class meeting times will be posted.

Regional Requirements

The course lists on our website fulfill regional course requirements for the Harriman Institute Certificate, the MA in Regional Studies: Russia, Eurasia, and Eastern Europe (MARS-REERS), and SIPA Regional Specializations. Further course details may be found by visiting the appropriate department’s website.

Any course marked with an asterisk (***) must be approved for regional credit by a Harriman advisor prior to enrollment. For Harriman's approval of courses not listed which you believe may fulfill regional requirements, please contact Rebecca Dalton.

Language Requirements

The following languages satisfy the Harriman Certificate & MARS-REERS language requirements and are currently being offered: Armenian, Czech, Hungarian, ***Persian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Serbo-Croatian-Bosnian, ***Turkish, Ukrainian, and Yiddish. Please consult the Directory of Classes for language times and sections.

Questions about Harriman Courses?

For further information, please email or call the Harriman Institute.

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