Graduate Student Funding
The Harriman Institute provides financial support for research projects, travel, and internships for graduate students across the entire university through a variety of grants and fellowship awards.
Merit-based fellowships are awarded to first-year MARS-REERS students during the admissions process. There is also significant funding for the second year of study in the MARS-REERS program.
What You Need To Know
Academic-year fellowship applications become available in November. For most fellowships, the application deadline is in February, and awards are announced in early April. Awards may cover partial or full tuition, and for Ph.D. students, also include a stipend.
There is one application for all academic year fellowships. Applications for summer opportunities vary, and each has its own application.
We encourage all students to apply for as many funding opportunities as possible and candidates may apply for more than one fellowship.
For questions regarding fellowships and application procedures, please contact Rebecca Dalton.
Travel Notice
All international travel must follow Columbia University's travel policy. Students must present proof of trip registration and/or approval by Columbia Global Travel before funds will be released.
* Russia, The Crimea, Donetsk (DNR) and Luhansk (LNR) Regions of Ukraine are currently countries and regions subject to comprehensive U.S. sanctions and travel restrictions. For additional information, please visit Columbia’s page on economic sanctions and restricted parties.
Please contact for more information.
Academic Year Fellowships for Graduate Students
Lydia, Andrew and George Bazarko Ukrainian Fellowship
Dr. Volodymyr Bazarko and his wife Mrs. Lydia Z. Bazarko have established an endowment fund for the Ukrainian Studies Program at the Harriman Institute. The Bazarko Fellowship is awarded annually to a student whose research focuses on Ukraine, its culture, politics, economics or history.
Isaac Henry Ergas Fellowship
The Ergas Memorial Fellowship is awarded to outstanding students conducting research in Turkic and Central Asian Studies. Candidates for this fellowship must share Isaac Henry Ergas’ enduring commitment to promote economic development and social justice and to overcome ethnic strife. They must apply for it specifically, are required to inform the Ergas family of their research plans and progress, and must acknowledge receipt of the Fellowship in any written work produced with the aid of such funding, copies of which must be deposited with the Harriman Institute.
John N. Hazard Fellowship
The Hazard Fellowship is awarded to graduate students who have shown excellence in the study of the rule of law in Russia. It was established by the students and friends of legal scholar John Hazard, one of the founders of the Russian Institute and, indeed, of Soviet Studies in the United States. The Hazard Fellowship is open to all Columbia graduate students.
Joseph I. Meiers Fellowship
The Joseph I Meiers Fellowship is awarded to graduate students specializing in the region who intend to enter the fields of academics, government, business, and/or journalism and plan to further throughout their careers the ideals of world peace represented by the fellowship.
Philip E. Mosely and John H. Backer Fellowship
The Mosely/Backer Fellowship is awarded to outstanding graduate students in the field of Soviet/Post-Soviet Studies. There is a preference for a student specializing in political science; however all graduate students are eligible.
Jaan Pennar Fellowship Fund for Baltic Studies
The Pennar Fund was established as a permanent endowment of the Harriman Institute by family and friends of the late Jaan Pennar, author and scholar, to commemorate his life by promoting understanding and appreciation of the politics, economics, culture, and history of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania.
PepsiCo Junior Fellowship
The PepsiCo Junior Fellowship is awarded for a period of one academic year to outstanding Certificate and/or MARS candidates. Candidates should have completed two semesters of graduate studies by the time the fellowship period begins and should be in good standing with their departments or schools. The Fellowship supports one year of course work.
Awards may cover partial or full tuition, and for Ph.D. students may also include a stipend.
Shkilnyk Fellowship for Ukrainian Studies
The Shkilnyk Fellowship is awarded to one graduate student concentrating in Ukrainian history and/or social sciences.
The Shkilnyk Fellowship is open to all Columbia graduate students.
Seasonal Opportunities for Graduate Students
PepsiCo Fellowships for Research Travel / Study
PepsiCo fellowships are awarded to outstanding Columbia graduate students to support semester and summer travel to Russia, Eurasia, and East Central Europe, for the purposes of conducting research. In exceptional cases, travel to make a research presentation at a conference in the region may be supported.
Summer Graduate Research Fellowships in Russian, Eurasian and East European Diaspora Studies
We are pleased to announce a new fellowship opportunity open to all graduate students. The Harriman Institute will offer support for summer research focusing on diasporas of different Slavic, Eurasian, and East European nations in the United States and other nations. This fellowship is meant specifically for those who are traveling to a location outside of Russia, Eurasia and Eastern Europe. Domestic travel is also allowed and encouraged.
Summer Civil Society Graduate Fellowship
The Harriman Institute Civil Society Graduate Fellowship supports graduate students from across Columbia University on a competitive application basis. The Fellowship supports travel and living expenses for unpaid practical summer internships at any international or non-governmental organization that benefits civil society in any of the countries of the Russian, Eurasian, or East-Central European region.
Summer Language Study Fellowships
The Institute’s Summer Language Fellowships are awarded to Columbia undergraduate and graduate students for intensive study of the languages of Russia, Eurasia, and East-Central Europe in either the region or the U.S. Open to all Columbia University students. Summer Language Study support will be given in amounts not exceeding $5,000.
Padma Desai Summer Fellowship
The Padma Desai Summer Fellowship supports travel and living expenses for summer research, travel, language training, or internship opportunities for undergraduates and/or graduate students whose interests include Russian and/or Soviet Studies. Students from economics, political science, and history may apply. Students should plan to use their fellowships in locations that will enrich their understanding of Russian and Soviet Studies.
Work Study Opportunities
Under the Work-Study Program, students who are U.S. citizens (or who have permanent resident status) may work up to 20 hours per week during the academic year program period (September-May) and up to 35 hours per week during the summer program period. Eligibility for this program depends on financial need. Applications to determine College Work-Study eligibility may be obtained from the Financial Aid Office of your school. For further information about the program, eligible students should contact Rebecca Dalton.
Other Financial Aid Sources
GSAS, SIPA, and Columbia’s other graduate professional schools offer comprehensive programs of student financial aid. For further information on award descriptions, application deadlines and procedures, students should consult the appropriate graduate school admissions bulletins. Applicants are also urged to compete for the many national, regional and foundation fellowships, which are often larger than those granted by the University.