Russian Studies at Harriman
Established as the Russian Institute in 1946, the Harriman Institute at Columbia University is one of the world’s leading academic institutions for the study of Russia in all disciplines, from literature and culture to history and politics.
Coming Up
Russia at the Harriman Institute
Latest NewsPast Russia Events
Business-Government Relations in Russia Before and After 2022
Business-Government Relations in Russia Before and After 2022
Symposium: “Holy Winter” by Maria Stepanova
Symposium: “Holy Winter” by Maria Stepanova
What Do Russians Think of Putin and War in 2024?
What Do Russians Think of Putin and War in 2024?
Russian Studies Faculty
Knar Abrahamyan
Assistant Professor in Music Theory and Race
Alexandra Birch
Mellon Teaching Fellow at the Harriman Institute; Lecturer in History
Peter Clement
Adjunct Senior Research Scholar in the Arnold A. Saltzman Institute of War and Peace Studies
Alexander A. Cooley
Claire Tow Professor of Political Science & Vice Provost for Research, Libraries and Academic Centers, Barnard College
Catherine Evtuhov
Professor of History
Timothy M. Frye
Marshall D. Shulman Professor of Post-Soviet Foreign Policy
Keith Gessen
George T. Delacorte Assistant Professor of Magazine Journalism
Elise Giuliano
Senior Lecturer in Political Science; Director of the MARS-REERS Program; Director of the Program on U.S.-Russia Relations
Marina Grineva
Lecturer in Russian
Valentina Izmirlieva
Director, Harriman Institute; Professor of Slavic Languages and Literatures
Anna Katsnelson
Adjunct Assistant Professor of Slavic Languages
Thomas Kent
Adjunct Associate Professor of International and Public Affairs
Liza Knapp
Professor, Department of Slavic Languages
Adam Leeds
Assistant Professor of Slavic Languages
Mark Lipovetsky
Professor and Chair, Department of Slavic Languages