East Central European Center
The East Central European Center promotes the study of the nations and peoples located between Germany and Russia and between the Baltic and Aegean seas. Established in 1954 with a grant from the Carnegie Corporation, it was the first academic unit in any major U.S. academic institution to deal exclusively with East Central Europe.
Coming Up
Jošt Franko: A Memory Without Evidence
Jošt Franko: A Memory Without Evidence
East Central European Center
Latest NewsPast ECEC Events
EU Enlargement in the Shadow of Russia’s War in Ukraine
EU Enlargement in the Shadow of Russia’s War in Ukraine
Book Panel. “Ukrainian-English Collocation Dictionary”
Book Panel. “Ukrainian-English Collocation Dictionary”
Ecologies of Solidarity: Nika Autor’s Newsreels
Ecologies of Solidarity: Nika Autor’s Newsreels
Austro-Hungarian and Serbian War Literature
Austro-Hungarian and Serbian War Literature
ECEC Faculty

Aleksandar Bošković
Senior Lecturer in Bosnian, Croatian, and Serbian; Co-Deputy Director of the East Central European Center

Mircea Cărtărescu
Writer in Residence

Ofer Dynes
Leonard Kaye Assistant Professor of Hebrew and Comparative Literature, Dept. of Slavic Languages

Gábor Egry
Istvan Deak Visiting Professor in the Department of History

Marcel Garboś
István Deák Visiting Assistant Professor

Christopher Harwood
Senior Lecturer in Czech

Annette Insdorf
Professor, Film

Valentina Izmirlieva
Director, Harriman Institute; Professor of Slavic Languages and Literatures

Rebecca Kobrin
Russell and Bettina Knapp Associate Professor of American Jewish History; Co-Director, Institute for Israel and Jewish Studies

Ferenc Laczó
István Deák Visiting Assistant Professor in the Department of History

Agnieszka Legutko
Senior Lecturer in Yiddish, Director of the Yiddish Language Program

Mark Mazower
Ira D. Wallach Professor of World Order Studies and Director of Columbia's Institute for Ideas and Imagination

Malgorzata Mazurek
Associate Professor of Polish Studies, Department of History

Jessica Merrill
Associate Professor of Slavic Languages

Tsveta Petrova
Lecturer in the Discipline of Political Science

Katharina Pistor
Edwin B. Parker Professor of Comparative Law; Director, Center on Global Legal Transformation; Member, Committee on Global Thought

Carol Rounds
Senior Lecturer in Hungarian, Department of Italian

David Stark
Arthur Lehman Professor of Sociology; Director of Columbia's Center on Organizational Innovation

András Vadas
Istvan Deak Visiting Associate Professor in the Department of History
Contact the East Central European Center
Send an email or call 212-854-4623. You can also reach out to one of ECEC’s current co-deputy directors.