Undergraduate Student Funding
The Harriman Institute provides financial support towards research projects and travel for undergraduate students from Barnard College, Columbia College, and the School of General Studies through a variety of grants and fellowship awards.
Harriman Institute Undergraduate Research Fellowships
The Harriman Institute Undergraduate Fellowship Program is designed to provide research support on a competitive basis to juniors and seniors with a serious interest in the post-Soviet and/or East-Central European regions. Students are expected to use the fellowship to assist them in researching and writing their senior theses or to complete an equivalent major research project.
Successful candidates may receive up to $3,000 to offset their regional field research expenses. The competition is held twice per academic year with the expectation that the research will be conducted over winter or summer break. Fellows will have the opportunity to attend all Harriman Institute events for the academic year and will be required to present the results of their own research at a public seminar hosted by the Harriman Institute. Those seeking to apply for support for research to be conducted over the summer should be advised that the fellowship competition will be held during the preceding spring semester.
Summer Language Study Fellowships
The Institute’s Summer Language Fellowships are awarded to Columbia undergraduate and graduate students for intensive study of the languages of Russia, Eurasia, and East-Central Europe in either the region or the U.S. Open to all Columbia University students. Summer Language Study support will be given in amounts not exceeding $5,000.
Padma Desai Summer Fellowship
The Padma Desai Summer Fellowship supports travel and living expenses for summer research, travel, language training, or internship opportunities for undergraduates and/or graduate students whose interests include Russian and/or Soviet Studies. Students from economics, political science, and history may apply. Students should plan to use their fellowships in locations that will enrich their understanding of Russian and Soviet Studies.