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3 Questions with Jennifer Ginsburg (MARS-REERS ’19)
May 13, 2021

Photo: Jennifer Ginsburg in Mostar, Bosnia during her summer of doing thesis research in the Balkans.

What do you miss most about the Harriman Institute?
The people, the sense of camaraderie, and the academic atmosphere.

What are your favorite reads or podcasts right now?
I recently read Joshua Yaffa’s (’08) Between Two Fires, which I would highly recommend, about compromise in Putin’s Russia. And I’ve been enjoying the podcast Sarajevo Calling, which offers really great analysis of Balkan politics.

What is your favorite experience related to the region?
When my host family threw a surprise going-away party for me shortly before my Peace Corps service in Kosovo ended. They killed a pig for me and neighbors and colleagues wished me good luck and many children in my future endeavors. It was a quintessential Serbian send-off and meant a great deal.

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