Columbia University in the City of New York

Harriman Magazine

Alumni Notes
Edward Corcoran
RI Certificate, 1967; Ph.D., International Relations, 1977

I enrolled in Columbia’s Russian Program in 1961, then took a two-year leave to begin my assignment for the U.S. Army, which sent me back to Columbia to complete my Russian Institute Certificate two years later. After graduation, I continued to work on research remotely with Professors Seweryn Bialer and Zbigniew Brzezinski.

Professor Bialer’s deep knowledge of the Soviet Union provided critical support while working on my dissertation. He led my dissertation committee and was extremely helpful in supporting my Ph.D. award in 1977.

At U.S. Army European headquarters, I was a U.S. Intelligence Officer and then the U.S. Army’s liaison to the Soviet Commander in Germany. After my Army career, I worked on overall security throughout the U.S. Department of Energy’s nuclear complex and ran an industrial company in Hungary until 2005. Since then, I published my book, Threats and Challenges (2021). Most recently I have been promoting an end to the war in Ukraine and the emergence of a more progressive Russian government.
