This event has been postponed.
Location Note
1219 International Affairs Building
420 W 118th St, 12th floor
This event is in-person for CUID card holders only. In-person attendees must be in compliance with Columbia University’s health protocols for returning to campus. Pre-registration, valid CUID card, valid green pass, and face covering are required for admittance. All other attendees may participate virtually on Zoom or YouTube.
Please join the Harriman Institute for a discussion with David Wolff (Hokkaido University) on the early history of the Russian Institute and the Rockefeller Foundation’s impact on global Slavic Studies. David C. Engerman (Yale University) will serve as discussant, with Valentina Izmirlieva, Director of the Harriman Institute, as moderator.
David C. Engerman is the Leitner International Interdisciplinary Professor of History at Yale University. Building on his dual training in American and Russian/Soviet history at the University of California-Berkeley (where he received his Ph.D. in 1998), he wrote two books on the place of Russia and the USSR in American intellectual and political life: Modernization from the Other Shore: American Intellectuals and the Romance of Russian Development (Harvard UP, 2003) and Know Your Enemy: The Rise and Fall of America’s Soviet Experts (Oxford UP, 2009). He has also researched and written on a variety of topics related to the history of development assistance, including a co-edited volume, Staging Growth: Modernization, Development and the Global Cold War (U-Mass Press, 2003), and most recently a monograph, The Price of Aid: The Economic Cold War in India (Harvard UP, 2018). His new research focuses on the geopolitics of international economic inequality in the second half of the twentieth century.