Columbia University in the City of New York

Harriman Institute

Chess pieces with BiH and NATO flags on them. Image links to event page.



NATO Integration of Bosnia and Herzegovina: Lessons for European Security in Ukraine
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Registration REQUIRED by 4pm on February 19, 2025 in order to attend this event.

Please join the Harriman Institute for a lecture by Ismet Fatih Čančar. Moderated by Tanya Domi.

Ismet Fatih Čančar is a political economist and a researcher. In 2024, he was awarded a Fulbright grant and is currently a Visiting Researcher at John Hopkins SAIS conducting research on US policy towards Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Western Balkans. He is also an International Strategy Forum Fellow in 2024 cohort, and the first Bosnian to be awarded fellowship by Schmidt Futures. He previously served as an Advisor to the Minister of Security of Bosnia and Herzegovina where he was in charge of Bilateral and Multilateral Affairs portfolio. He also worked as a Partnership for Peace Fellow at NATO Defense College where he focused on NATO integration and collective defence and security posture of Western Balkans region. Ismet Fatih holds a BSc in Economics from Sarajevo School of Science and Technology and University of Buckingham, an MA in International Political Economy from King’s College London, and is currently a PhD student at International University of Sarajevo (IUS) in Political Science and International Relations.
