Columbia University in the City of New York

Harriman Institute

All Day

Exhibit. Alphabet Diet Project

Harriman Institute Atrium 12th floor International Affairs Building, 420 W 118th St, New York

The Alphabet Diet Project is an annual performance that began in 1996 within greater Project 59 when the artist, Irina Danilova, discovered that the Russian Alphabet (33 letters) and English Alphabet (26 letters) together comprised 59 letters.

Book Launch Roundtable. Gleaning for Communism

Marshall D. Shulman Seminar Room, 1219 International Affairs Building 420 W 118th Street, 12th floor, New York

Please join the Harriman Institute for a book launch round table discussion of Gleaning for Communism The Soviet Socialist Household in Theory and Practice with author Xenia Cherkaev, Yana Skorobogatov, and Anne O'Donnell. Moderated by Adam Leeds.
