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Freedom House Releases First Ever Report on Transnational Repression
February 8, 2021

Freedom House released, “Out of Sight, Not Out of Reach: The Global Scale and Scope of Transnational Repression.” The report is the first global study of transnational repression, or the targeting of exiles and diasporas by their origin states. It goes beyond familiar high-profile cases like the murder of Jamal Khashoggi to explain the logic and the prevalence of transnational repression around the world: who is doing what to whom how. Coauthors Nate Schenkkan and Isabel Linzer presented the report’s findings at the Harriman Institute on February 4, 2021.

Schenkkan is a 2011 of the Harriman Institute’s MARS-REERS program. You can read his February 3, 2021 article about transnational repression in the Washington Post, and a profile of him in the Spring 2020 issue of Harriman Magazine.
