Columbia University in the City of New York

Summer Language Study Fellowships

The Institute’s Summer Language Fellowships are awarded to Columbia undergraduate and graduate students for intensive study of the languages of Russia, Eurasia, and East-Central Europe in either the region or the U.S. Open to all Columbia University students. Summer Language Study support will be given in amounts not exceeding $5,000.


Application Details


All students currently enrolled at Columbia University and its affiliates may apply for summer language funding.

All applicants must meet current Columbia University travel requirements (see Travel Notice below).



  • 1 page proposal including the proposed language program, location, dates, hours of instruction, and why you would like to study the proposed language.
  • Itemized budget – Maximum award: $5,000
  • Unofficial transcript
  • One confidential letter of recommendation (emailed directly by your recommender to Katrina Papouskaya at

How to Apply

Email application materials in a single message to Katrina Papouskaya. Please send all documents as PDFs.

Next application deadline: March 15th, 2025

Travel Notice

All international travel must follow Columbia University's travel policy.  Students must present proof of trip registration and/or approval by Columbia Global Travel before funds will be released.

* Russia, The Crimea, Donetsk (DNR) and Luhansk (LNR) Regions of Ukraine are currently countries and regions subject to comprehensive U.S. sanctions and travel restrictions. For additional information, please visit Columbia’s page on economic sanctions and restricted parties.

Please contact for more information.
