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Alexander Cooley and Joseph Stiglitz Receive Columbia Provost Faculty Awards
May 21, 2024

Alexander Cooley, together with V. Page Fortna, received a Dialogue Across Difference seed grant from the Office of the Provost for the project “Academic Upheaval in a Time of Geopolitical Conflict.” Dialogue Across Difference aims to support new spaces for critical conversations by providing frameworks to promote constructive dialogue and convening forums where we can hold difficult conversations with mutual respect.

Joseph Stiglitz  and Anya Schiffrin received a Bollinger Convenings Grant from the Office of the Provost for their project “Saving Journalism.” In honor of President Emeritus Lee C. Bollinger, the Bollinger Convenings highlight Columbia’s commitment to its Fourth Purpose by showcasing innovative initiatives that create societal impact and advance human welfare.
