Columbia University in the City of New York

Harriman Institute



December 2, 2024 | 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM


Marshall D. Shulman Seminar Room, 1219 International Affairs Building
420 W 118th Street, 12th floor, New York, NY 10027, United States
EU Enlargement in the Shadow of Russia’s War in Ukraine
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You must register by 2pm on November 27, 2024 to attend this event.

Please join the Ukrainian Studies Program at the Harriman Institute and the East Central European Center for a panel discussion entitled EU Enlargement in the Shadow of Russia’s War in Ukraine.

This panel discussion will explore the evolving debate on EU enlargement, especially in light of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The panelists will assess the current state of enlargement, focusing on Europe’s eastern neighborhood and beyond. On the one hand, the invasion has significantly accelerated enlargement discussions, with the EU opening accession talks with Moldova and Ukraine last June. On the other hand, progress has stalled in Georgia following the controversial October elections which sees that country turning away from EU integration. Meanwhile, the Western Balkans have been waiting over a decade to join the EU and its institutions. How is geopolitics influencing this debate, what challenges and risks lie ahead for EU enlargement and, how will the new European Commission position itself towards enlargement amidst geopolitical uncertainty?


Adam Reichardt, Editor in Chief of New Eastern Europe (Poland)

Laurynas Vaičiūnas, Director of the Jan Nowak-Jezioranski College of Eastern Europe, Contributor to Lithuanian Radio LTR (Poland/Lithuania)

Alexandra Karppi, Research Analyst, Nations in Transit, Freedom House (US)

Moderated by Mark Andryczyk


Adam Reichardt is the Editor-in-Chief of the New Eastern Europe magazine based in Poland. Published since 2011, the magazine is one of the leading publications dedicated to the region of Central and Eastern Europe. He is also the co-host of the “Talk Eastern Europe” podcast – the official podcast of New Eastern Europe. Adam has also previously worked as the Director of the Warsaw Euro-Atlantic Summer Academy (WEASA) which is organized annually at the College of Europe in Natolin (Warsaw) and was a member of the executive team of the Three Ukrainian Revolutions project run by the College of Europe. Adam was short-listed for the European Press Prize in the category of “Editing” for his work on New Eastern Europe and was named to the “New Europe 100” list of the region’s top innovators. In 2019 he was a Transatlantic Media Fellow with the Heinrich Boell Foundation.




Laurynas Vaičiūnas is a political analyst, civic activist and cultural manager with a focus on Eastern Europe. Since 2020 he is the CEO of the Poland-based non-governmental think tank the Jan Nowak-Jezioranski College of Eastern Europe. He is a promoter of Eastern European literatures in Poland and abroad. Laurynas is also the foreign correspondent of the Lithuanian National Radio and Television (LRT) in Poland. He comments in the media on politics and international affairs.



Alexandra Karppi is a Research Analyst with the Freedom House’s Nations in Transit. Her analysis covers the Western Balkans and Central and Eastern Europe. Prior to joining Freedom House, she was an Associate Program Officer for the Western Balkans at the Center for International Private Enterprise. She has also held research and editorial positions at the Institute for Social Research in Zagreb, Central European University’s Center for European Neighborhood Studies, and the Post-Conflict Research Center, a Sarajevo-based NGO. Alexandra holds an MA in Russian, Eurasian, and East European Studies from Columbia University’s Harriman Institute and a BA in Political Science and Slavic Studies from Columbia College.




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