Our previous issue went to print just as the pandemic hit the United States, and it was difficult to fathom just how lasting and damaging the effects would be. We wish all our readers health, safety, and strength during this difficult and unpredictable period. We are incredibly grateful to the Harriman community and delighted to read your updates in our alumni notes section.
The Fall 2020 issue includes a cover story on Vlodko Kaufman’s exhibit A Conversation at the Ukrainian Museum; an interview with Harriman Institute director Alexander Cooley about his new book, Exit from Hegemony: The Unraveling of the American Global Order; a profile of alumnus Joshua Yaffa, the New Yorker‘s Moscow correspondent; an exceprt from Catherine Grace Katz’s new book, The Daughters of Yalta: The Churchills, Roosevelts, and Harrimans: A Story of Love and War; an essay about Lara J. Nettelfield’s oral history project on the refugee “crisis”; an interview with author and filmmaker Michael Idov; and a translation of Polina Barskova’s “Reaper of Leaves.” Read the issue.
From the Director
Alexander Cooley
Vlodko Kaufman’s A Conversation at the Ukrainian Museum
Mark Andryczyk
Reporting on Russia’s Gray Area: Joshua Yaffa in Profile
Masha Udensiva-Brenner
Can America’s Global Leadership Survive? An Interview with Alexander Cooley
Sabina Lee
The Daughters of Yalta: The Churchills, Roosevelts, and Harrimans: A Story of Love and War
Catherine Grace Katz
The New Humanitarians: The Volunteers of the Refugee “Crisis”
Lara J. Nettelfield
Interview with Michael Idov
Daria V. Ezerova
Reaper of Leaves
Polina Barskova (translated by Catherine Ciepiela)