Columbia University in the City of New York

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Gail Archer Interviewed about Teaching Music during the Pandemic and Upcoming Organ Concerts
January 20, 2021

Gail Archer (Professor of Professional Practice, Music, Barnard) was interviewed by Straus News, the publisher of 17 weekly NY newspapers, about her career as a female organist, teaching music during the pandemic, and her upcoming series of three concerts, beginning with a Polish concert on February 7.

Her recent CD  “Chernivtsi: Contemporary Ukrainian Organ Music” was reviewed by Classical Modern Music: “This is a volume any organ music modernist-appreciator will gravitate towards, plus of course those wishing to explore what is happening organ-wise these days and what was happening a bit earlier in the Ukraine. Gail Archer casts a steady artistic light on the music in winning fashion.” The second program in Archer’s concert series will be devoted to Ukrainian organ music.
