Columbia University in the City of New York

Harriman Institute's



The Institute serves as an intellectual home for faculty, postdoctoral scholars, students, visiting scholars, policy experts, journalists, and other professionals from all parts of the world.

Kimberly Marten

Kimberly Marten

Professor of Political Science, Barnard College

Mark Mazower

Mark Mazower

Ira D. Wallach Professor of World Order Studies and Director of Columbia's Institute for Ideas and Imagination

Malgorzata Mazurek

Malgorzata Mazurek

Associate Professor of Polish Studies, Department of History

Jessica Merrill

Jessica Merrill

Associate Professor of Slavic Languages

Tatiana Mikhailova

Tatiana Mikhailova

Lecturer in Russian, Department of Slavic Languages

Irene Motyl-Mudretzkyj

Irene Motyl-Mudretzkyj

Senior Associate in German and Language Program Coordinator, Barnard College

Katharina Pistor

Katharina Pistor

Edwin B. Parker Professor of Comparative Law; Director, Center on Global Legal Transformation; Member, Committee on Global Thought

Irina Reyfman

Irina Reyfman

Professor, Department of Slavic Languages

Carol Rounds

Carol Rounds

Senior Lecturer in Hungarian, Department of Italian

Amra Sabic-El-Rayess

Amra Sabic-El-Rayess

Associate Professor of Practice (Education Policy and Social Analysis Department), Teachers College

Aziza Shanazarova

Aziza Shanazarova

Assistant Professor of Religion

Yuri Shevchuk

Yuri Shevchuk

Senior Lecturer in Ukrainian

Gary Shteyngart

Gary Shteyngart

Professor of Writing

Andrey Simonov

Andrey Simonov

Gary Winnick and Martin Granoff Associate Professor of Business, Marketing Division

Yana Skorobogatov

Yana Skorobogatov

Harriman Assistant Professor of Russian and Soviet History

Jack Snyder

Jack Snyder

Robert and Renee Belfer Professor of International Relations

Michael Stanislawski

Michael Stanislawski

Nathan J. Miller Professor of History

David Stark

David Stark

Arthur Lehman Professor of Sociology; Director of Columbia's Center on Organizational Innovation

Gita Steiner-Khamsi

Gita Steiner-Khamsi

Professor of Comparative and International Education, Teachers College

Joseph Stiglitz

Joseph Stiglitz

University Professor

Jan Švejnar

Jan Švejnar

Richard N. Gardner Professor of Economics and International Affairs; Director, Center for Global Economic Governance
