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Tanya Domi Interviewed on TVP World About Russia’s Use of Torture as War Tactics
May 31, 2024

Tanya Domi was interviewed on TVP World about Russia’s use of torture and sexual violence as war tactics (May 30, 2024).

More evidence emerges from Ukraine of the methods used by the Russian army to instill fear in the civilian population of the Donbass region. Tanya Domi, a human rights expert at Columbia Univesrity, sheds light on the systematic abuse of human rights on Ukrainian soil.

Our guest emphasized that “the longer there is an occupation, the longer the Russian troops detain and imprison Ukrainians (…) sexual violence will continue if not escalate.”

Tanya Domi underlined the need for “more international engagement” on the issue of torture and sexual violence against war prisoners from “podiums from Brussels to Washington to London.”


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